An interesting article on fixing your relationship | relationship hacks

An interesting article on fixing your relationship | relationship hacks

An interesting article on fixing your relationship

Relationships go south sometimes humans are complex creatures and our love lives are even more complex As days go by and our lives get busier it is often our links with our loved one that suffer  most . When communication and connection break down, it takes knowing both yourself and your partner to make meaningful changes needed to turn things around.

If you want to reset your relationship ,you have to be ready for a fresh start, but that starts with a deepened with accepting yourself. Broken things can be fixed , but the fixing is often harder than the breaking. Are you ready to fix your relationship ? Then get ready to fix yourself.     


There are seven ways to fix your   relationship hereby:-

(i) Re- evaluate the reasons you're together . ------

 Go back to the beginning, ask yourself, what drew me to this person to begin with ? What qualities did they possess them so amazing? And are they still? Re-evaluating the reasons you came together reminds you of the reasons to stay together, and this strengthens your already- existing foundation.   

                                                                   (ii)Communication :------ 

   There is a right way and a wrong way to communicate. The right way is asking your partner a relevant question , listening to their response, then offering your opinion. 

   (iii) Do something special together:--

  Perhaps you two have a favourite restaurant you haven't visited in ages, or you can return to the place where you first fell in love? Being in a physical space where you have powerful memories of strong attachment can reignite passion.   

     (iv) Cut out external influences:---

   Often it is outside voices that sleep into our private relationships and brew toxity. Understand who's playing a less -than positive role in your relationship and commit to keeping that person's energy out      

(V )  forgive each other:------
To forgive is the detached from the the bitterness ,anger and animosity holding you back from the progress with your partner . Forget the negative emotions keeping yourself happy. Remind yourself that whatever happened and that there is no reason to drag your past into your future.

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