The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes

The best ever article on falling in love with your bestest friend | king quotes

The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes

"Falling in love” is what drives the romances we read about or watch in our favorite shows and movies. But what does it really mean to fall in love with someone? Falling in love happens when you have strong feelings of admiration and attraction to someone you care about. It is easy, when you are new to a relationship, or new to these feelings, to see the best about a person easily. You probably prioritize time you spend together, and share lots of time, gifts, and affection with them.
You want to be sure, if you feel like you’re falling in love with someone, that you share compatible beliefs about life, about priorities, and about spiritual things. You want to commit to someone only if they are respectful of you, your needs, and your boundaries. And if you feel “out of love”, it may not be a sign of the end of your relationship. Depending on your reasons for falling out of love, you may be able to rekindle warm feelings by getting support and talking through your relationship.                                           
The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes

The Gut - Wrenching challenges to Secretly Loving your Best friend.... 

Laura reveals the gut-wrenching challenges she’s facing being secretly in love with her best guy friend: It’s been really hard because sometimes it seems like he likes me and sometimes it seems very obvious that we’re just friends. It’s torn my heart up on several occasions. I’m currently trying to get over him, because it’s just too hard to love him from a distance.                                                                       I don’t want to lose our friendship as we’ve been through a lot together in the years we’ve known each other, but I’d rather save my heart for someone who I know is going to give me his heart fully in return.                                                      
The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes
Two warnings if you think you are in love your Best Friend.........                                                          First don't  rush into a romantic relationship with your Best Friend.... many times people confuse love with that other kind of caring love you feel for all of your other friends.                                   

Second, don't spill your guts right away. You might feel like you have to share all your thoughts and feelings with the other person as soon as you start to feel something. That's usually a mistake.                                                      
The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes

The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes

Real love.... 

Real love is rich, pure and self-sacrificing. To experience that kind of love with anybody is a priceless gift.This is how the Bible describes true love:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 

 The best ever article on n falling in love with your best friend| king quotes


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